With every purchase on shop.gperformance.eu you will receive a discount for future purchases in the form of points. Decide for yourself how many points you will use when making a purchase.

€1000 purchase = 1000 points = €20 discount on next purchase

For every €1000 of purchase value, you get 1000  up to 3000 points for the loyalty program depending on your level.
1000 points represent a €20 discount on your next purchase.

You can buy a new Simucube 2 Sport wheel base with worth €1,028 excl. VAT. Your level is Bronze, so you will be credited with 1028 points in the loyalty program. Before the purchase, your points were 500, so you will currently have 1528 points available. Your discount is €30,56, which you can use for your next purchases (note: maximum discount per purchase is 6%)


Progress throught Levels – the more you purchase, the more you will be rewarded. Directly after registering, you will be assigned to the Bronze level, where for every 1000 Euro you spend on-line you get 1000 points (worth €20). The discount increases with every level you advanced to, up to 3000 points and €60 per €1000 spend on our webshop.



Purchase points 0 – 3000

✔ Points multiplier 1


Purchase points 3001 – 6000

✔ Points multiplier 1,5


Purchase points 6001 – 12000

✔ Points multiplier 2


Purchase points 12001 – 24000

✔ Points multiplier 2,5
5 stars


Purchase points 24001-

✔ Points multiplier 3


The discount you can use is shown in the cart and checkout. Maximum discount per order is 6%. After using your points for the % discount, this points will be deducted from your loyalty points balance.

If you are an existing customer you can check your loyalty points balance at any time by signing in to your account. Only registered customers can collect points. 

Points cant be redeemed on a product on sale or a bundle product. Loyalty discounts doesn’t apply on Heusinkveld products. Minimum purchase amount to redeem points is €150 + VAT

Refer a friend

You can Refer your friend by sending him a link, which he will use to get to shop.gperformance.eu. After he makes a purchase, you will receive 1500 points, which corresponds to €30 + VAT discount on your next purchase.

You will find your Refer your friend link in your account (after logging in) in the tab My Points and Get Points! Just copy it, send to your friends and you made the first step get your 1500 points for your next purchase. 


